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Freshmen House

Lyn Neumann     209-744-4250 
Freshmen Information

Welcome to the page specifically designed for parents and guardians of LRHS Freshmen students. Here we will try to help get you and your student through this most important school year. Articles and updates appear in date order from oldest to newest. Any questions please feel free to contact Lyn Neumann- [email protected]

 August 13, 2015

Everyone knows the transition from summer to school can be hard, and almost all teenagers need more sleep than they are getting. Here's a quick article on the amount of sleep your freshmen should be getting to function in a rigouress academic setting.

"More than 90% of teens said they get fewer than 9 hours of sleep on most school nights, according to one survey. More than half of those say it affected their grades, friendships, and mood."
Sept 28, 2015

Hello: It's hard to believe October is already here and we are entering our third month of school. Some things we are doing for the class of 2018 is asking them all to carry three ring binders. (If a student cannot afford or has difficulty obtaining a binder we offer a free one). We have already "checked" their binders twice for organization. We handed out free dividers and very soon will go be handing out free pencil pouches to the freshmen.

Other things we are doing to ensure the success of the Freshmen on our campus is reaching out to them socially. Last week our Junior and Senior Link Crew members invited every single freshmen to meet with them in a classroom during lunch. It was a time for them to re-connect or meet the Link Crew members. Each group participated in two fun activities and all the Link Crew members brought snacks for their freshmen.

Academically we are reaching out to struggling freshmen and I (Mrs. Neumann) have been meeting with them one on one and supporting them in any way we can to reach their academic potential and bring up their grades. A follow up meeting takes place two weeks after the initial meeting to provide accountability and support to the student.

We will finally be rolling out our Freshmen Team lists as early as next week. Our team names will be the Aztecs, Vikings, and Romans. Each student will be assigned to one of the teams bases on his or her English teacher. The staff and Link Crew will use these teams for friendly competitions, rallies, and just to make school a more interesting place for our freshmen to be. Stay tuned for more info on Freshmen teams.

Here's a new article on Energy Drinks and Teens. We know our students are consuming them, but we need your help to let them know how detrimental they can be to overall health, if not monitored closely.

October 9, 2015

As we complete our first quarter it may be that your student is doing very well in the high school setting or is struggling. High School study habits might be different from those during the middle school years.

Here's a quick article on helping your teenager create healthy study habits. By now each student should have settled into the routines and procedures for their classes. They have probably had at least one large test and multiple quizzes in each class. If you find that your student is struggling please feel free to contact their respective teachers and ask for the teachers help in assisting your student with their academic performance.

November 19, 2015

Helping Your Student Improve Their Self Esteem

We all know a healthy self esteem is part of being a succesful student. Students who have a good sense of who they are, connect with others, are not afraid to ask questions, and speak up for themselves. We all want students to feel comfortable with who they are as they move forward into their schooling and then into their respective futures. But how does a parent, teacher or other people in the the lives of our students help promote this very important aspect of growing up? This is just one of many articles that gives insight and advice on how to help strengthen selft esteem in our students.

Ways to Build Your Teenager's Self Esteem

February 2016

How do today's students learn differently from their parents generation?

The link below is an PDF of an article written by an educator way back in 2001. It basically outlines how our students today differ in the procss of learning than those of their parents, ie., "Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants." This article was distributed to teachers at LRHS who teach freshmen. Articles like these enhance their understanding of how best to reach our young students who are definitely "Digital Natives."

March/April 2016

Transitioning Your Student from "Contingent to Independent."

As your freshmen student transitions into their sophomore year the teachers on campus will have greater expectations of independence from your student. By now they should be able to monitor their own performance on Power School, know how to complete and turn in large projects as well as daily assignments. At home you might be noticing them reaching for more independence in their personal lives. The following article speaks to what are methods parents can use to help facilitate healthy independence in their student.

"Raising Independent Children"

July/August 2016

Welcome to our new freshmen and their parents/guardians. We are looking forward to greeting the students on August 1st in the Gym at 8 am sharp. There, LRHS Link Crew will begin the process of getting to know you and help you feel more comfortable on campus. We will have fun activities as a large group and then smaller groups led by student who are part of the Link Crew program. (Link Crew is a nationally recognized program that has Junior and Senior high school students help Freshmen throughout the school year. The day will start in the gym, include a campus tour and end with a free hot dog lunch for every freshmen that wants one. We look forward to seeing you all there. :)